讀特客戶端?深圳新聞網2022年7月2日訊(記者 金洪竹 張喆 李丹璐 馮牧原 陳彥如 張玲)夏至,太陽直射北緯23.5度,北半球迎來最長白晝。荔枝,從這個時候開始占領當季嶺南水果頭牌交椅,其中,深圳南山荔枝美名遠揚,雄霸必買榜單天下。
It is Summer Solstice, when the subsolar point has arrived in latitude 23.5 degrees north, that marks the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere. From now on, Lychee becomes fruit of the season in Lingnan area. Among all lychees, those from Nanshan, Shenzhen, are well known to be the best seller.
最美味的紅配綠。(張玲 攝)