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    • 外眼看深|到二十四史書院玩一場時光穿越
      2022-09-11 22:50
      來源: 深圳新聞網


      讀特客戶端·深圳新聞網2022年9月11日訊 翩躚步霓裳,花鈿上眉間。遠遠走來兩名女子,手提燈籠,巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,竟是如同從畫中走出的人兒一般。深圳二十四史書院古色古香的亭臺樓閣、軒榭廊坊,一直吸引著眾多國風文化愛好者前來打卡。

      Graceful steps and gorgeous Tang Dynasty dress, pearl on the forehead, here come two beautiful ladies, carrying lanterns, smiling and glancing, just like stepping out of an living ancient painting. Those traditional pavilions, bridges and stairs of the Twenty-Four Histories Academy have been attracting many traditional Chinese culture fans to visit and take photos. 

      沉浸式游玩,穿越回唐朝。(張玲 攝)

      深圳新聞網記者金洪竹和外籍小姐姐Alya在深圳甘坑古鎮二十四史書院大門。(張玲 攝)

      二十四史書院內。(張玲 攝)

      在深圳甘坑古鎮可以體驗四大發明之一活字印刷。(李丹璐 攝)

      二十四史書院的史記亭。(張玲 攝)



      This time, our reporter Jin Hongzhu along with our international friend Alya have their wonderful experience about trying the makeup, hair and dress style in the Tang Dynasty. Put on ornate clothes and walk into the tunnel of time, the ladies' smiling faces reflect the gentle light of traditional lanterns. What an impressive image that makes the famous poem written by Li Bai come true: Clouds are her dress and flowers are her face. Spring breeze is caressing the balustrades and dews make flowers even more beautiful.

      夜幕降臨,宮燈亮起。(李丹璐 攝)

      二十四史書院濃濃的國風古韻。(張玲 攝)

      在月圓之夜賞精致傳統月餅和茶點。(張玲 攝)

      在傳統園林里漫步。(張玲 攝)


      雙語文案:張   玲


      攝      像:林恒鑫


      張   玲


      攝      影:張   玲


      剪      輯:林恒鑫

      [編輯:吳超 周斐斐] [責任編輯:戰旗]
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