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    • 深圳有滋味(雙語版)|第46期:一場廟會“粵”古今
      2023-06-02 14:36
      來源: 深圳新聞網


      讀特客戶端·深圳新聞網2023年6月2日訊(記者 金洪竹 林恒鑫 陳彥如 張玲 李丹璐 實習生 劉茜 黃瑜) 每年農歷三月初三前后,是深圳西鄉北帝廟會“刷屏”深圳人朋友圈的時刻。有著500余年歷史的西鄉北帝古廟,自明朝萬歷年間便開始舉辦“三月三”廟會,以慶賀北帝生辰。2022年4月入選第八批廣東省非物質文化遺產名錄的西鄉北帝廟會,如今已經是深圳規模最大的傳統廟會。

      Around the beginning of the third lunar month each year, the atmosphere in Xixiang becomes filled with the traditional temple fair culture, causing a frenzy on the social media feeds of Shenzhen residents. 

      Xixiang Beidi Ancient Temple, with a history of over 500 years, has been hosting the Third March Temple Fair since the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty to celebrate the birthday of Beidi (the Northern Deity). 

      In April 2022, Xixiang Beidi Temple Fair was included in the eighth batch of Guangdong Province's intangible cultural heritage list, and it has now become the largest traditional temple fair in Shenzhen.

      上妝。(李丹璐 攝)

      等待大戲開演的西鄉本地居民。(李丹璐 攝)

      金洪竹在北帝古廟的九龍壁前。(張玲 攝)

      西鄉北帝古廟內細節。(張玲 攝)

      提前一兩個小時在此等待開場,他們對粵劇是真愛。(張玲 攝)

      牌樓。(李丹璐 攝)

      夜幕降臨,舞臺燈光亮起。(李丹璐 攝)

      記者金洪竹揣摩手勢如何擺。(張玲 攝)

      大幕即將拉開。(張玲 攝)



      With lion dance, Yingge Dance, Chaozhou drum show, and the crowded feast, the temple fair immerses countless newcomers to Shenzhen in an experience of the traditional Shenzhen cultural heritage. Every year, amidst the resounding drums and lively parades, we are overwhelmed by the vibrant atmosphere. 

      In addition to the crucial ceremony of welcoming the Beidi deity, Cantonese opera performances are also a cherished tradition of the temple fair. In this episode of “Shenzhen, Have Fun”, we will unveil the curtain of the Cantonese opera performance at the Beidi Temple Fair, allowing our readers to personally experience what it feels like to be a Cantonese opera actor.

      Through the poignant and classic melody of "The Legend of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai," we will pass on the torch of Cantonese opera culture, which continues to flourish up to nowadays.

      經典劇目《梁祝》開演。(李丹璐 攝)

      北帝古廟局部細節。(李丹璐 攝)

      金洪竹女扮男裝的祝英臺。(李丹璐 攝)

      觀眾。(張玲 攝)

      西鄉北帝古廟前有一條幾百米的步行街。(黃瑜 攝)

      北帝古廟建筑局部。(黃瑜 攝)

      金洪竹拜師廣州青年粵劇團團長王俊瑛,扮演了一回《梁祝》里的祝英臺。(黃瑜 攝)

      粵劇團演員正在化妝。(黃瑜 攝)



      After going through a series of meticulous preparation steps, including applying foundation and blush, shaping eyebrows, applying eye makeup, putting on lipstick, and adjusting the eyebrows, Jin Hongzhu, our journalist from Shenzhen News Network, finally completed the iconic role transformation for "The Legend of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai." Temporarily, she apprenticed under Wang Junying, the director of the Guangzhou Youth Cantonese Opera Troupe, to receive basic training in Cantonese opera performance. 

      Originating from Foshan, Guangdong, Cantonese opera is performed in the Cantonese dialect and is the largest opera genre in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions. It is also recognized as one of the world's intangible cultural heritages. Even today, Cantonese opera remains a beloved art form for the people of these areas. 

      During the nearly ten-day-long temple fair in this year, Cantonese opera performances were scheduled almost every evening, attracting a crowded audience. The distinctive Cantonese Opera style carries a unique rhythm and melody, and every word and sentence resonates with the local accent.

      西鄉街道一角。(李丹璐 攝)

      畫唇。(李丹璐 攝)

      有樣學樣。(李丹璐 攝)

      團長王俊瑛在演出前站在舞臺上。(李丹璐 攝)


      As a veteran Cantonese opera performer who has dedicated decades of youth and passion to his dream, Wang Junying never ceases to advocate for a brighter future for Cantonese opera. "Soon it will be our turn to retire, and it will be up to the younger generation to take over the game. I also hope that relevant departments can give more attention to our national culture, and to value the quintessence of Lingnan, to carry Cantonese Opera forward. " he emphasizes.


      Onstage and offstage, the baton is passed from one performer to another, and the dramas unfold, portraying the stories of the mortal world. It is through the unwavering pursuit of their dreams by countless Cantonese Opera actors that the unique local characteristics and cultural heritage of the Guangdong region are passed down to the next generation. In each classic and familiar play, the past and future of the people nurtured by this cultural land are connected, spanning centuries.






      [編輯:潘潤華 周錦春] [責任編輯:孫遜]
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