19th July
Aileen diary
Today in class we learn the dopamine detox.
It identifying behaviors that you turn too frequently for a quick boost—mainly things like social media, gaming,
and watching TV—then taking a break from them for a few days to a week.
And the other two words is Dopamine and Homeostasis,
Homeostasis is means the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements,
especially as maintained by physiological processes.
Dopamine is a compound present in the body as a neurotransmitter and a precursor of other substances including adrenaline.
In a easy way to say this lesson is when you look at the phone or playing game it were release a chemical
which were keep letting people doing useless thing.In conclusion,
we can choose one day in a week to read some book and try to not use phone or things that were affect human body things.
And then Miss Serika let us to know each others more clearly, samuel is my partner, and shetold me about her.
Than Miss Serika let us ask question about her, and she said she want to be a lawyer that is so cool!
And we talk about lot of thing about us.
When we finish lesson we went to the book shop of Cambridge and my friend Cherry bought a book about business called:Experiencing the new world of work by Jeremy Aroles.
And we went back to the hotel and ate some food afterwards we go out to play the frisbee.
Todays weather is rainy and sunny day, but i quite like rainy day so i think today is a best day of these two days.
總之,我們可以在一周中選擇一天來讀一些書,盡量不玩手機或做影響身體健康的東西。然后Serika 小姐也讓我們更清楚地了解了彼此。
我的搭檔是Samuel,她告訴了我她的情況。然后Serika小姐讓我們問關于她的問題,她說她想成為一名律師,這太酷了!我們聊了很多關于我們自己的事情。當我們上完課后,我們去了劍橋大學的書店,我的朋友Cherry買了一本名叫《體驗工作的新世界》的商業書籍,作者是Jeremy Aroles。我們回到旅館吃了點東西,然后出去玩飛盤。今天的天氣是由雨轉晴,但我很喜歡雨天,所以我認為今天是這幾天中天氣最好的一天。