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    • 外眼看深|百老匯英文原版《音樂之聲》后臺日記①:神秘的裝置
      2024-01-08 10:14
      來源: 深圳新聞網


      深圳新聞網2024年1月8日訊(記者 張玲 馮牧原 楊佳慧)165分鐘內,現場樂隊演奏、26首風靡世界的金曲、30位演員的暖心演繹……2023年12月31日至2024年1月6日,百老匯英文原版《音樂之聲》年末大戲登陸深圳濱海藝術中心。如果你也曾被修女瑪利亞的歌聲打動,被上校家7個叛逆又可愛的孩子吸引,一定想知道劇場后臺這群小演員是如何準備的。


      In 165 minutes, with live band performances, 26 world-famous songs, and heartwarming performances by 30 actors... From December 31, 2023, to January 6, 2024, the Broadway original English version of "The Sound of Music" will make its grand appearance at the Shenzhen Binhai Art Center. If you have ever been moved by the singing voice of Sister Maria and captivated by the rebellious yet adorable seven children of Captain von Trapp, you must be curious about how this group of young actors prepares backstage.

      In this episode, we present the first entry of "The Sound of Music" backstage diary: "The Mysterious Device." At the immersive stage rehearsal, the young actors seamlessly switch their roles to become little reporters. Pay attention to the small, mysterious device on their foreheads. Can you guess its purpose?




      [編輯:劉夢婷 王容] [責任編輯:黃春才]
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