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    • 外眼看深|百老匯英文原版《音樂之聲》后臺日記②:祝你新年快樂
      2024-01-09 11:28
      來源: 深圳新聞網


      深圳新聞網2024年1月9日訊(記者 張玲 馮牧原 萬小藝)1959年10月,音樂劇《音樂之聲》首次亮相美國紐黑文市的一家小劇院,短短8場演出便讓它聲名大噪。11月轉戰百老匯駐演,三年半時間,這部傳世巨作創下了1443場的演出紀錄。

      2023年12月31日至2024年1月6日,百老匯英文原版《音樂之聲》年末大戲登陸深圳濱海藝術中心。 本期送上《音樂之聲》后臺日記第2篇《祝你新年快樂》,我們去后臺抓拍那些古靈精怪的孩子們,聽聽他們用中文說出“新年快樂”。

      In October 1959, the musical "The Sound of Music" made its debut at a small theater in New Haven, USA, and gained fame after 8 performances. In November, it went to Broadway and set a record with 1443 performances in three and a half years .

      From 31, December 2023, to 6, January 2024, the original Broadway English version of "The Sound of Music" were performed at the Bay Opera of Shenzhen. In this episode, we presented the second part of the backstage diary for The Sound of Music: "Wishing You a Happy New Year" . We went to the backstage to meet lovely child actors and actresses and have their "Happy New Year" in Chinese.




      [編輯:劉夢婷 馬丹] [責任編輯:李揚]
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