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    • 外眼看深|意大利導演Valerio Festi:時尚發現美,我們為美工作
      2024-03-22 15:43
      來源: 深圳新聞網

      外眼看深|意大利導演Valerio Festi:時尚發現美,我們為美工作

      深圳新聞網2024年3月22日訊(記者 楊佳慧 曹宇旋 馮牧原 張玲 李丹璐 實習生 吳若涵)當藝術需要述說時尚的理念,當地球被人為災害破壞,人與自然的關系該如何體現在靈動的表演里?3月19日晚的深圳·米蘭雙城時尚周在深圳觀瀾版畫村的開幕大秀《藝術與自然》,讓我們見識了意大利導演Valerio Festi藝術構思的天馬行空——芭蕾舞者身著華服,以觀瀾古建筑為多媒體空間,以星夜為幕,凌空飛舞,在聲光電打造的影像中表達著對大自然、對美的敬意。

      開幕式的設計理念和靈感來自哪里?關于深圳,他又有哪些印象?本期《外眼看深》,我們對導演Valerio Festi的獨家專訪或許能給出答案。

      意大利導演Valerio Festi接受深圳新聞網記者獨家專訪。(張玲 攝)

      外眼看深:As far as we know, (festi group)you’ve been dedicated to find and celebrate the secret spirit of the city, so how do you think that this opening ceremony could related to Shenzhen spirit?(正如我們所知道的,你一直致力于尋找和慶祝城市精神,所以你認為這場開幕秀如何與深圳的城市精神聯系起來?)

      Valerio Festi:深圳是一個非常年輕的城市,也是一個非常神奇的城市,因為這里充滿了科技和產業轉型的氣息。為了制作這個節目,我去了幾個地方。當然,我們可以感受到所有的藝術,可以感受到炙熱的氛圍,可以感受到自然。

      Shenzhen is a very young city and very fantastic,because full of technology and industry transition. For making this show, I went to see several location,and we can feel all the art of course, and we can feel hot, and we can feel nature.


      Nature is very improtant for everybody in the world, and it feel that it is a good location to fill with Chinese and Italian culture. Because the central of the city is the modern central of course, full of buildings  a lot of cars everybody is running.I want to stop the moment and have time.

      外眼看深:Not fast-paced.(而不是快節奏。)

      開幕秀片段。(張玲 攝)

      Valerio Festi:是的,要有詩意,因為時尚總是能發現美,我們為美而工作,我們需要生活中的美。而時尚是一種藝術,它能為未來不斷創造美。


      Yeah to have a poetry. Because fashion always found beauty, we work for beauty, we need the beauty in the life. And fashion is art that can create the beauty for the future time by time.

      So they choose this place for show,the title is art and nature, can give an emotion to the people to come close to this.

      開幕式現場。(張玲 攝)

      外眼看深What inspired you for this opening ceremony?(是什么給了你這次開幕式的創作靈感?)

      Valerio Festi:我來到這里,選擇了這個地方,并為米蘭和深圳的這次會面而努力,真正嘗試聚焦于我們這次的參與。

      First of all, I came here and choose the place, and working for this meeting for Milan and Shenzhen, and really try to focalize our intervention.


      And art and nature is very improtant, because you know, our planet is suffering ,fashion give us good example for us to go away from this bad moment.

      現在的時尚不像 100 年前,人們打扮自己,但那是藝術性,不是(現在需要的)藝術家。不是藝術。這個活動是面向世界的,我們為這個方案尋找時尚設計師,現在的藝術家都是明星。設計師不是(只在乎)藝術形式的。

      Fashion now is not like 100 years ago, people dressed, but that is artism, not artist.now you make a event like this, this event is going to world, all over the world that we look at the new proposal

      of stylist, stylist are not artism.


      So it really exchanges the root of fashion in the world, if they have strong power, if they can do stylist, if they can do very good thing in the world.

      開幕大秀現場。(張玲 攝)

      外眼看深:So you've prepared this for months?(所以你們準備了好幾個月吧?)

      Valerio Festi:Yeah for months, from the beginning to be involved for this project for months, that is the correct time.and of course I had fantastic collaborated with the descript、the light、sound、image、theatre,Very fantastic group of people.



      [編輯:劉夢婷 吳沁彤] [責任編輯:林媛媛]
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